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Our Business Policy

Applied Logic is committed to the ongoing delivery of consultancy and interim services that are of a consistent high quality. We will ensure that these services continue to deliver sustainable change to our clients’ businesses in a timely and effective way.

Applied Logic will strive for continual improvement of the services that we offer and the expansion of those services in response to the needs of our clients. This will be achieved through the evolution of our methods and through growth of knowledge. Where appropriate we will work with selected partners who are suitably competent to deliver the required services.

We will maintain the profitable growth of the business but will always ensure that we conduct business in an ethical way both with our clients and our selected partners.

As a responsible and socially aware company Applied Logic is committed to:

  • Operating in compliance with all applicable legislation and codes of practice to which we subscribe

  • Ensuring the health & safety of people working under our control and the public, including prevention of injury and ill-health

  • Ensuring the protection of the environment and prevention of pollution

  • Offering equal opportunities to all

We recognise that engaging a consultant can represent a significant investment and that companies have a choice about where they make that investment. We also recognise that our long term plans are based on our reputation and therefore our ability to get referrals and repeat business. We will therefore ensure that we give total client satisfaction and never compromise on the quality of our delivery.

For more information, please contact us or +44 (0) 20 7666 3059


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Our Business Policy